Can Poor Cardiovascular Health Contribute to Hearing Loss?
A review of research studying the correlation between hearing and heart health has found that negative cardiovascular health can impair both the peripheral and central auditory system, the system responsible for transforming sound waves into brain activity. Improved cardiovascular health has similarly been shown to positively influence those same systems. Reduced blood flow to the…
How Can a Good Night’s Sleep Help Your Hearing?
Not getting enough sleep can leave a person with dark circles and a cranky disposition, but it may also lead to poor hearing. The average healthy adult needs seven to eight hours of sleep a night. Unfortunately, getting that eight hours can be hard to achieve with work, school or other life stressors. Let’s examine…
Tips for Building the Best Relationship With Your Audiologist
The amount of people who use hearing aids is steadily growing. Data analyzed from 2011, 2015 and 2018 found that “The overall proportion of participants 70 years and older who own and use hearing aids rose from 15.0% in 2011 to 16.9% in 2015 and 18.5% in 2018.” Knowing how to approach not only your…
Should I Wear a Medical ID Bracelet if I Have Hearing Loss?
If you’re ever in an emergency situation, a medical ID bracelet can provide first responders with important information about you whether you’re at home or going for a walk at Torreon Park on Alameda Street. If you have hearing loss, you may be wondering if a medical ID bracelet is necessary. We answer this question…
If You Use Hearing Aids, Here’s What to Know About Hearing Loops
Even with hearing aids, public events can be a tricky listening environment for people with hearing loss. The good news is that if your hearing aids have a telecoil, you can use hearing loop systems to experience high-quality hearing in many public venues. What Are Hearing Loops? Hearing loops are an assistive listening system that…
What Are the Differences Between Basic & Advanced Hearing Aids?
All hearing aids consist of the same three basic parts: a microphone, which picks up sounds in your environment; a processor, which amplifies the sound to the exact specifications your hearing loss requires; and a receiver, which delivers sound to your ears. These parts work together to help you hear well. Though every hearing aid…
Get into the Spooky Spirit with Your Hearing Aids
There is a high prevalence of hearing loss in the United States. In fact, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, it affects approximately two to three of every 1,000 babies and one in eight people ages 12 and older. But despite this, many people mistakenly believe there is stigma surrounding…
What Are the Different Parts of a Hearing Aid?
Hearing aids are high-tech devices that help you hear by amplifying sounds to a level the damaged ears can detect. Many boast features that can help you hear well with ease, even in complex listening environments. There are many parts that work together to accomplish this. We review these parts below. Microphone The first step…
The Do’s & Don’ts of Hearing Aids
Not only do hearing aids represent a significant financial investment, they’re also essential medical devices that connect you to the world around you. Because of this, you want to do everything you can to ensure they’re well cared for. Below we review a list of do’s and don’ts regarding hearing aid care. The Do’s Below…
Back-to-School Checklist for Children with Hearing Aids
It’s back-to-school season, so it is time to stock your child’s backpack with all the essentials. If your child has hearing loss, they’ll need a few extra items and a little more preparation. We review tips on how to prepare for your child’s upcoming school year below. Stock Their Backpack In addition to paper, pencils,…