What to Know About BAER Testing

BAER, or Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response, is a diagnostic test used to evaluate the auditory function of the brainstem. This non-invasive procedure offers crucial insights into hearing ability and auditory nerve function, aiding healthcare professionals in diagnosing and managing hearing loss in infants and young children. Let’s delve into how BAER testing is utilized. About…
Tips to Create a Daily Hearing Aid Routine

Beginning the journey of using hearing aids is a blend of anticipation and adjustment. While these devices offer the promise of enhanced sound perception and social connection, adapting to them can require patience and diligence. Surprisingly, statistics show that only 30% of individuals aged 70 and older who require hearing aids have ever utilized them….
Signs of Hearing Loss in Toddlers and Young Children

Hearing loss can have a profound effect on a child’s development of speech, language and social skills. The sooner hearing loss is identified and addressed, the more effectively it can be managed. Prompt recognition and management of hearing loss during the early stages of a child’s life are essential for developing speech and language skills….
Is It Time to Adjust Your Hearing Aids?
Hearing loss isn’t a static condition. It can evolve or worsen over time. That’s why regular adjustments are essential to ensure your devices keep pace with your changing hearing needs. During an adjustment session, often termed a programming appointment, your audiologist will assess your hearing, detect any frequency shifts and fine-tune your devices accordingly. There…
Tips For Dating With Hearing Loss
Exploring the realm of dating presents its own set of challenges, which can be compounded for individuals with hearing loss. In fact, 15% of adults in the United States experience some degree of hearing difficulty, indicating that this is a shared experience for many. The challenge of hearing loss in dating scenarios, especially in locations…
What Are the Stages of Hearing Loss
Hearing loss arises when the inner ear or portions of the inner ear fail to function correctly. The causes are varied, ranging from damage caused by exposure to loud noises or age-related decline. In the U.S., about 15% of the adult population reports experiencing some level of hearing trouble. With an understanding that some hearing…
Winter Care Tips for Your Hearing Aids
Winter brings with it a unique set of challenges for those with hearing loss. If you’re one of the 28.8 million U.S. adults who rely on hearing aids, you know how important it is to keep them functioning. Cold temperatures, snow and moisture can all pose threats to the performance of your devices. Let’s look…
How Hearing Aids Can Expand Your Social Circle
In a world buzzing with conversation and connection, hearing loss can feel like a barrier, gradually isolating us from a thriving social life. However, with technological advancements and a proactive approach to managing hearing loss, you can bridge the gap and cultivate meaningful connections. Let’s take a look at the impact hearing loss has on…
HLAA Webinar Focuses on the Workplace
The Hearing Loss Association of America is hosting a virtual webinar about workplace wellness. Enhancing Workplace Effectiveness: Technologies for People with Hearing Loss is scheduled for 10 a.m. MT Tuesday, February 27. “Those of us with hearing loss know that it can be difficult to operate in workplaces where everyone assumes normal hearing,” HLAA wrote…
Hearing Loss Events To Add to Your 2024 Calendar
Adding trips, birthdays and daily reminders to your calendar is a great way to ensure you never miss important moments or opportunities this year. While planning vacations to the Black Canyon Campground or setting up birthday dinners for the important people in your life, consider setting aside some time to engage with the world of…